Wednesday, February 2, 2011

on the nature of shadows and thousands of eyes (poem from chapbook)


football is sponsored by soap, today;
rain flails on the concrete while we

absorb green geometry glowing together, jigs flicker light:
bisected white, and LED, incremental chalked yards;

you sit and chew gum like black holes in far space
sucking up matter and the apartment cat outside;

your jaw vibrates the time-space afghan over our laps
like a sunday’s warmth across confused midwestern electricity

and baby, it might be me but when you chew,
intelligence demands prophesy kept in cookie and light,

change the channel, ya ass-hat –

dusk often rubs you pissy, sometimes
causing skies to sour, and yea maybe
then the rain evolved animal, but i agree
we pull windows shut to save ourselves;

we destroy coffee tables, babe,
and that does something for me

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